I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Ana from Figuring Out My Ever After and while some of you might sit there with a question mark over your heads I'm excited to do this!
Basically, we receive 11 questions and then make up another 11 for our nominees, which is a fun way of getting to know a little bit more about the person behind the blog.
1. What is your favorite season and how does that relate to your personality?
Easy peasy, the answer is spring! I was born in the middle of April, so I'm a real spring baby plus for someone who doesn't like the summer heat and doesn't quite get on with freezing winters this season is the perfect in-between.
2. If you could switch lives with one person dead or alive for one day who would it be?
Emma Watson. I find her absolutely great, she's smart and successful and she's someone I think is very inspiring.
3. If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
I would get rid of racism because it ruins the world.
4. Describe your style in five words or less.
Pale, monochrome and bold lips.
5. What’s your dream job?
6. What qualities to search for in a friend?
I like my friends to be honest with me even if I might not want to hear the truth and be supportive but call me out on my bullshit. I need to be able to talk to them and trust them obviously but also to have fun and let go.
7. Where would you live if you had the chance?
I love big cities and their buzz, I really love London, so probably there or New York.
8. Do you believe in magic?
Not in proper Harry Potter kind of magic but I do believe in it to a certain extent.
9. You have three wishes, what would you use them on? And you can’t wish for more wishes sorry!
My family's health plus happiness, to travel around the world and financial stability.
10. What’s a book you’ve reread more than twice?
11. Why did you start blogging and what do you want to come from you blog?
I always liked writing and I'm studying Journalism as well so I thought having a blog would be great even for future reference.
My nominees:
Leonie from Leonie's little blog
Zara from I'm Zara Flynn
Yasmin from Best for beauty by Yasmin Banner
Angela from The Sunday Chapter
Leah and Rachel from Beyond the Velvet
Katie Maree from Beauty by Katie Maree
My questions:
1. If you could relive one day in your life what would it be?
2. Top 5 makeup products you could't live without?
3. Weirdest dream you remember?
4. What do you do to cheer yourself up when you're down?
5. What meal could you have for the rest of your life?
6. Would you rather be deaf, blind or mute?
7. Favourite Disney princess and why?
8. Which Hogwarts house would you be in?
9. Favourite high street and high end makeup brand?
10. Top 3 celebrity crushes?
11. Favourite quote?
Thank you so much for nominating us! I love your questions and your answers too. I love a good bold lip too and I love spring! x x
thank you darling! x
Deletethank you lovely, I really appreciate that! :) xx